Tuesday, December 27, 2011 | 8:53 PM | 0 Atasinchi
Haiiii!!!! ehhhh kita org islam,Asalammuaalaikum,..
aku nih la ishhh,okehh ak mengaku aku kalau call kawan2 ak memang peqit nak bagi salam,kelemahan tuh except kat parent ak ja,satgi kena marah xnaya ja...
okehh back to story,OMjaayyyyyy!!aku nak jadik SPM candidate kot,ishhh..
Please wait dear i not ready yet!!aishhh bukan pa kadang2 ak tngok cermin ak rasa ak xcukop matang untuk menjejak langkah ke tingkatan 5 macam mimpi pon da,aku 17 tahun ishhh betoi ka dak??Is this real,this question always in my mind,okeh that my point,I NOT READY yet!!!okeh by who or what,ready or not i must take it no matter what,i cannot turn off the time,i cannot stop the time,and i cannot reveiw te past that is fate,hope i can do it no matter what had happend,it just one year for me to enjoy with my friend after this all of us,ikut laluan masing2 mesti boring kalau depa xdak noh,weyh kawan I love You!!and ak miss hampa sikit ja,sikit xbnyk nah,okeh,jangan ego ak rindu ampa banyak nahh.After this kena la bangun awai,kalot siap awai pagi,kena maqah pagi,kena beletiaq pagi,rutin ak la sebelum p sekolah kena dulu beletiaq,okeh after this rutin ni akan berjalan macam biasa..okeh i lov u momma!!okeh laptop pun nak kena rampas no more facebooking,no more bloging,no more skyeping,no more twittering,..okehh bye all of you..and more more no more mesej,no more call,no more high bill...bye all..perintah akan dijalankan 1/1/2012.gerun ak dengaq ak nak spm,xmasok uni mapoih ak mak bunuh ak,xmau,xmau,xmau....